Here is a list of the 50 worst players to pull on the strips of Newcastle United. They're not in order because I haven't seen some of them play, but after searching the Web and some old books, here is the ultimate list:
Joe Allon
Andreas Andersson
Billy Askew
Ian Baird
Dick Barton
David Beharral
Gary Brady
Darren Brashaw
Viv Busby
Paul Cannell
Laurent Charvet
Ray Clarke
Daniel Cordone
Joe Cornwell
Albert Craig
Tony Cunningham
Paul Dalglish
Kevin Dillon
Franck Dumas
Justin Fashnau
Wayne Ferraday
George Georgiadis
Archie Gourley
Stephane Guivarch
Des Hamilton
Arthur Horsfield
Mike Hooper
Darren Huckerby
Mike Jeffrey
Mike Larnach
John Karelse
Glen Keeley
Frans Koenen